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Mblusuk Jalur Lori jaman Belanda
kalo punya satu nd dipajang di rmh gmn ya??
asik kalee


Bisa juga kita memiliki loko or properti yang lain tapi mengajukan proporsal dulu ke pusat,..duwite akeh..
Jangan matikan aku bila perlu tambah dan panjangkan jalurku, biarkan kereta melaju di punggungku....SPOR RAIDER

Salam Kereta, Nuwun

itu gambar BB 4 dari pg gending, bukan dipindah ke Inggris tapi ke Jerman, tepatnya di Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum, pindah tahun 1997.

BB 4 waktu masih beroperasi



Wah dulu biasa nyegat itu lori di Sumberkareng, dekat perumahan PT KTI Probolinggo. Peluitnya terdengar dari jauh meskipun loko blm terlihat Playboy

Salam Spoor,
Beberapa waktu lalu, dalam thread ini rekan-rekan mempertanyakan apakah loko yang dipajang di depan PG kebonagung benar-benar loko No 7 dan buatan Orenstein Koppel atau Henschel dan Sohn?

Saya berkorespondensi dengan Pak Rob dan menurut beliau, plat pabriknya salah pasang. Ini kerap terjadi antara lain karena loko uap pada saat ini dipelihara melalui cara kanibalisasi.

Jadi Loko No 07 memang produk OK, bukan HS

Berikut copy korespondensinya (urutannya mulai dari bawah):

Dear Mr. Dickinson,

Well, that really answers my question. Although I know lots of locos are assembled from various parts, I am not aware of the problem related to the plates. If some friends did not talk about this matter in our webforum (, I would not have realized it.

Thank you very much for your brief tutorial. Yet, I am sad a little bit because the reality will only harden the efforts to preserve them as authentic artefacts of transportation history. This is why I am wondering how the original appearance of the #6 of Pagotan is like. I am sure the bumper is not the original part of the locoTersenyuum

Best regards,

--- En date de : Sam 17.4.10, Rob Dickinson <[email protected]> a écrit :

De: Rob Dickinson <[email protected]>
Objet: RE: No. 7 Kebonagung
Date: Samedi 17 avril 2010, 3h41

I don't know why. It's an international problem.
A plate like this is like a 'birth certificate' every person and every loco should have one.

No one would want to have a false birth certificate but all over the world people don't seem to care about a loco's birth certificate. It is especially a problem with locomotives which are preserved. Thailand is probably the worst country in Asia in this respect. Often it leads to people making mistakes about identity.

It is made worse by the fact that if you have locomotives of the same design then the parts can easily be changed (big parts like the boiler and small parts like the metal rods - they all have the original number on them). So locomotives become mixtures and this has especially happened in Java where what were once hundreds of similar locos are now less than 100 existing and only about 30 are still working. It shouldn't be a problem with #7 which is an unusual design but I am sure if you were to look closely at the D locos if they are still at Kebonagung you find this was so.

I am sure that the PJKA/PNKA steam locomotives were also complete mixtures because the sheds and the works at Madiun would 'borrow' parts to make a good loco out of several bad ones, it made a lot of sense. It certainly happened in the UK too, especially with boilers where the workshops used to keep a stock of extra ones.

As far as the preserved locos at Ambarawa and Taman Mini are concerned, not very many have these plates. When the railway changed from steam to diesel, most of the steam locomotives were just put to one side. Everyone assumed all the locos would be sold for scrap and nearly all were but for a long time. Some of the plates were stolen by people who sold them for the scrap value of the brass, some were taken by the people who worked on the railway for a souvenir and some were taken by foreigners for their private collections (I am one such person). So some of the museum locos already did not have plates when they went to the museums. I am sorry to say that those that did have largely had them stolen (for scrap). In particular this has been a dreadful problem at Taman Mini where a lot of the copper pipework has also vanished over the years - when the locos went to the museum about half were in working order and absolutely none of them is anything like complete any more.

Sorry this doesn't answer your question because there is no answer!


Hence, the plate actually belongs to No. 6 (HS 19231-1922).
Still, I'm wondering why it is put on #7.

Thanks for your information.


--- En date de : Ven 16.4.10, Rob Dickinson <[email protected]> a écrit :

De: Rob Dickinson <[email protected]>
Objet: RE: No. 7 Kebonagung
Date: Vendredi 16 avril 2010, 14h40

Definitely not. 7 was made by Orenstein and Koppel like several of the other steam locomotives at Kebonagung.
There is a list on this page on my website:

Rob Dickinson

My sites:

Email: [email protected]

Correspondence: c/o 56 Woodcote Road, Wanstead, London E11 2QA, UK

-----Original Message-----
Sent: 16 April 2010 21:26
To: [email protected]
Subject: RE: No. 7 Kebonagung

Then, the plate is not the correct one? It was not produced by HS?


--- En date de : Ven 16.4.10, Rob Dickinson <[email protected]> a écrit :

De: Rob Dickinson <[email protected]>
Objet: RE: No. 7 Kebonagung
Date: Vendredi 16 avril 2010, 10h36

Yes, this is 7.
Rob Dickinson
Correspondence: c/o 56 Woodcote Road, Wanstead, London E11 2QA, UK

Dear Mr. Dickinson,

I am sending you photos of the preserved No. 7 taken by a friend. So, what do you think?


--- En date de : Jeu 15.4.10, Rob Dickinson <[email protected]> a écrit :

De: Rob Dickinson <[email protected]>
Objet: RE: No. 7 Kebonagung
Date: Jeudi 15 avril 2010, 0h22

One of the plates is wrong! Without seeing the whole loco I cannot say for certain, but the detail looks like #7 to me. It should have had an Orenstein & Koppel plate but my pictures from Kebonagung show it lost it long ago.
I guess some well meaning engineer wanted to give it a plate! The Henschel one is interesting but there were proper less interesting ones on the other locos.
It will be quite easy for you to tell which it is (6 or 7), you just have to look under the loco and see if it has 4 or 5 axles. #7 is completely different from most locos as it has only 3 sets of coupling rods. It also has no water tanks on the loco itself. So it should be very easy to tell which it is, in any case, some time ago I was told big #7 was to be preserved like this…

Rob Dickinson

My sites:

Email: [email protected]

Correspondence: c/o 56, Woodcote Road, London E11 2QA, UK

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, April 12, 2010 10:13 AM
To: Rob Dickinson; Rob Dickinson
Subject: No. 7 Kebonagung

Dear Mr. Dickinson,

My friends are confused about the No. 7 of Kebonagung preserved as monument at the front of the factory.

The plaque on the loco shows the loco was made by Henschel & Sohn no. 19231 and a friend calls it a D loco.

On the other hand, you explain the 7th as :
0 10 0 Orenstein 7 Koppel 9906/ 1922 ()

Do you think the technician installed the wrong plaque during the preservation? Does the plaque the HS 19231/ 1922 actually belong of the No 6th loco (according to your list)?

Ya..ya jadi jelas dan ini juga seperti yang terjadi sekarang di PG.Gondang ya semuanya karena kanibal,..misteri yang tercerahkan...mantab mas Toto,..trimakasih Berat. Lanjutkan korespondennya untuk mencari salah satu pencerahan sejarah yang sangat berharga ini.
Salam lori.
Jangan matikan aku bila perlu tambah dan panjangkan jalurku, biarkan kereta melaju di punggungku....SPOR RAIDER

Salam Kereta, Nuwun
Inilah kegiatan sehari-hari BB 4, lok mallet terkecil di dunia (lahir tahun 1909, nomer pabrik 3902, tenaga hanya 30 PK dan lebar rel 600mm) jika ada festival di Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum:



Silahkan dinikmati, sodara2


Kalau medannya cocok di sondokoro masih asli cuma gerbongnya caem yang di Jerman berarti gerbong wisata di Indon bisa di rubah seperti aslinya gerbong jadul biar mantapp.
Jangan matikan aku bila perlu tambah dan panjangkan jalurku, biarkan kereta melaju di punggungku....SPOR RAIDER

Salam Kereta, Nuwun
ya itu bisa saja mas Eko, tinggal bagaimana kreativitasnya managemen dalam membuat variasi utk gerbong wisatanya. tidak seperti yg sekarang itu, msh terkesan minimalis. di sana kalau ada festival musim dingin (di Frankfurter Feldbahnmuseum), mereka sudah punya gerbong chusus yg mempunyai tungku sbg penghangat badan. trus kalau masalah loko, jika mereka mengambil loko yg sudah rusak sekalipun, bisa hidup kembali karena ketelatenan mereka dlm urusan teknis lok uap/diesel. itulah kelebihan mereka yg tidak kita miliki.

Sebenarnya contoh konservasi KA narrow gauge (standar lori) di negara tetangga terdekat adalah Puffing Billy di Melbourne Australia (). Dalam sehari, KA wisata Puffing Billy beroperasi 3-6 trip dengan rute sepanjang kurang lebih 25 Km (Belgrave-Gembrook).

Pengalaman naik KA ini pada musim dingin, tidak ada heater pada gerbong. Tapi penumpangnya meski pakai jaket...hehehe

Andaikan kita punya KA wisata seperti itu.

Salam Spoor,

Sebenarnya contoh konservasi KA narrow gauge (standar lori) di negara tetangga terdekat adalah Puffing Billy di Melbourne Australia (). Dalam sehari, KA wisata Puffing Billy beroperasi 3-6 trip dengan rute sepanjang kurang lebih 25 Km (Belgrave-Gembrook).

Pengalaman naik KA ini pada musim dingin, tidak ada heater pada gerbong. Tapi penumpangnya meski pakai jaket...hehehe

Andaikan kita punya KA wisata seperti itu.

Salam Spoor,

mas lori and mas Toto : Jadi masa depan kereta lori kemungkinan akan lebih berdinas di kereta wisata, cuma areal operasinya rata-rata untuk wisata masih dekat ( 1 km ) saja dan itu baru di Sondokoro, Gondang ( 800m ) kalau di tempat lain kurang tahu hal ini. Semua ini karena masih berada di lingkup PG dan belum tertata di tempat kusus wisata lori, mungkin ada yang mau jadi investor ya.Ngakak
Jangan matikan aku bila perlu tambah dan panjangkan jalurku, biarkan kereta melaju di punggungku....SPOR RAIDER

Salam Kereta, Nuwun

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