Berhubung udeh masuk jamannya Fuel Cell dan , jadi penasaran udah ada belom yah loko atau rangkaian KA fuel cell di perkeretapian dunia ? Mohon info dari para juragan, info bisa juga yg msh dikembangkan atau penelitian
terinsiprasi dari Mercedes-Benz B-Class F-Cell dgn pengisian bahan bakar 3 menit bisa menempuh perjalanan hingga 400 km)
yg jadi masalah mungkin dimensi CELL nya & saat CELL terisi energi 100% mampu digunakan menjalankan KA sampai brp kilometer?
seandainya udah low bat ngechargenya jg pasti lamaaaa bgt.
Lokomotif pertamanya (kalo nggak salah) udah ada, disebut Green Goat buatan Railpower Technologies. Lok ini dioperasikan di Kanada dan lebih banyak digunakan utk langsir.
ini toh ?
Tapi ada tulisan "DIESEL HYBRID"
ada juga ini tapi msh percobaan ?
Quote:JR tests fuel cell hybrid train
19 Oct 2006
NE Train -- On October 19, East Japan Railway Company (JR East) made a test run of its NE Train (New Energy Train)  the world’s first fuel cell hybrid train  in Yokohama’s Kanazawa ward.
With two 65-kilowatt fuel cells and six hydrogen tanks under the floor and a secondary battery on the roof, the clean train emits only water and runs without receiving juice from power lines. The train can travel at a maximum speed of 100 kph (60 mph) for 50 to 100 km (30 to 60 miles) without a hydrogen refill.
Thirty passengers boarded the train for the test run, which consisted of a series of back-and-forth jaunts along a 300-meter test track. The train smoothly accelerated to a maximum speed of 50 kph (30 mph), providing a ride quality no different from an ordinary train.
A separate fuel cell train is under development by the Railway Technical Research Institute (RTRI), but the NE Train differs in that it is a hybrid relying on a secondary battery that stores electricity generated during braking. The secondary battery provides auxiliary power during acceleration or when fuel cell power is insufficient.
JR East hopes to see hybrid commuter trains in widespread use in 10 to 20 years. Lowering the cost and improving the mileage of fuel cells is a serious challenge, but the effort is not without reward. In addition to environmental benefits, eliminating the need for unsightly power lines means lower infrastructure costs and a prettier landscape to look at from the train window.
Testing of the train on public tracks will begin next April.
[Source: Chunichi Shimbun]
Yah lumayanlah, kita tunggu hibahnya di Tanjung Priok
Masih ada lagi...
Quote:Japan Railways to test world’s first fuel cell-powered train
05 Apr 2006
On April 4, the East Japan Railway Company reported progress in the development of the world’s first fuel cell-powered train. With the prototype nearing completion, the company announced plans to begin trial runs in order to collect data before putting the train into commercial service.
According to officials, the test train consists of one car and is powered by two 65kW fuel cells that enable speeds of up to 100 kph (60 mph). The train is an upgraded version of JR’s New Energy (NE) train  an experimental diesel-electric hybrid developed in 2003  whose diesel generator has been replaced with fuel cells. The new fuel cell-powered NE train is scheduled to begin service in the summer of 2007 on the rural, non-electrified Koumi Line in Nagano and Yamanashi prefectures.
Hydrogen stored in a tank aboard the train is supplied to the fuel cells, where it reacts with oxygen to produce electricity. Unused electricity and electricity generated during braking is stored in a secondary battery, which is used as an auxiliary power source. In addition to being energy-efficient, hydrogen fuel cells emit no carbon dioxide (a contributor to global warming), only water.
[Source: Fuji Sankei]
Nih bisa jadi solusi di Indonesia yang listrik na msh jepret melulu, kapan yah PT INKA ngembangin ini ? bosen ah DE melulu
produksi hidrogennya kan masih mahal om.
Lagian kalo PLH hidrogennya bisa jadi Tragedi hindenburg tuch
lho, bukannya selama suplay H2 dan O2 nya jalan terus, ini fuell cell nya terus memproduksi listrik? cell disini bukan batere lho.
betul kata m_ilhami. salah satu kendala dalam mengembangkan fuel cell ini adalah ketakutan orang akan hindenburg syndrom.
lho, bukannya selama suplay H2 dan O2 nya jalan terus, ini fuell cell nya terus memproduksi listrik? cell disini bukan batere lho.
betul kata m_ilhami. salah satu kendala dalam mengembangkan fuel cell ini adalah ketakutan orang akan hindenburg syndrom.
hhmm... bukan pake batery to, itu di gambar ada baterynya loh. mungkin gini, hidrogen produksi listrik lalu disimpan d batery lalu listrik d batery menggerakkan motor traksinya.
BTW Tragedi hindenburg tu apa sih?
thx infona.
Abis nanyak mbah Google, bukan Mbah Soerip ketemu soalan Hidenburg Tragedy
kayaknya batere cuma untuk menampung listrik dari pengereman dinamik. bukan sumber utama motor traksi.
seperti di link nya mas gege, itu tragedi meledaknya balon zeppelin waktu sedang diparkir. bahan bakarnya kebetulan H2. sejak peristiwa itu, orang akan skeptis apabila ada inovasi kendaraan berbahan bakar H2.
sebenarnya saya pernah dapet link tapi saya lupa, yaitu ilmuwan MIT sedang meneliti kemungkinan etanol (C2H5OH) sebagai pengganti H2. jadi dengan menambahkan suatu katalis tertentu, etanol akan membebaskan H2 yang bisa digunakan sebagai sumber fuel cell. namun katanya aplikasinya baru akan diuji coba untuk batere hp.
nah, kalo menggunakan etanol, kayaknya dijamin aman deh. soalnya mirip2 sama bensin oktannya. dan yang paling penting, mudah dibuat, dan sumbernya (apalagi indonesia) sangat melimpah, dan ramah lingkungan.
let's go green.